Do you remember your first kiss when you were a kid
Stimulating your senses and feeling as though you had blown your lid,
But, truthfully the first kiss was only a little peck on the lip,
Shyly done, a little silly snicker and you were now hip,
Before the lid was blown you heard about the french style,
That soft wet organ in your mouth made you wild,
Now memories are flooding your mind with lots of stories,
Sorry, got to interrupt to interject some morals before the glories,
I was taught to greet the brethren with a holy kiss,
Never practiced it, so that type of kiss I guess I missed.
Drift back further and we heard a story that our savior was betrayed by one,
A singer from Texas said it wasn't a sanitary thing to be done.
Another singer answered and said it was a way to tell if he (she) loved you,
Now totally confused about a little caress got you wondering what to do.
Rely on feelings of your lid being blown off the first time you became aware,
And say, Hey there is more to the kiss and besides I don't want to be square.
So Another reason for the lip caress come across you path,
It's called a fivefold kiss now you do the math.
Now that's a complete kiss that covers the whole body,
Such a gesture from a friend like that can't be shoddy.
I Kiss now and feel no shame,
Tell Someone what you just heard, don't be lame,
KISS ME, KISS ME, KISS ME, KISS ME you sweet little girl,
your lips, your lips, your lips makes my head swirl.
Resuscitating, Resurrecting and re surging my memories of past bliss,
A nicety, nice, partner to remove all the amiss.
You must try the 7 second kiss with the one you love when he comes through the door. It is the ooh la la of kissing.